recipe with apples
- 650 gr flour
- 250 gr butter
- 250 gr sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 yolk
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 pinches of baking soda
- lemon zest
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 ½ kg apple
- 5 tbsp of butter
- 5 tbsp of bread crumbs
- sugar
- vanilla sugar
- lemon juice
- a drop of rum
- raisin
- a pinch of cinnamon
- crumbled almonds

Mix together butter previously melted with sugar, vanilla sugar, baking soda and lemon zest.
Add milk, egg and flour until getting a dough. Cover with a kitchen cloth and let it rest for 30 min, then put some flour on the dough and spread a thin layer.
Melt the remaining butter and grease the mould. Sprinkle some bread crumb.
Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into thin slices. Mix apples with sugar, lemon juice, rum and add raisin and cinnamon. Roll the dough and close the edges. Spread with butter or egg yolk and put in the oven at 200°C for around 30 min.
Recipe with apple juice
- 1 liter apple juice
- fresh pressed orange juice
- teaspoon of sugar or honey
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 2-3 clove pieces
- 1 piece lemon zest
Put on a pot all of the ingredients, the infusion takes 1 hour. After that boil the beverage but be careful not to heat it too much. Serve it hot, and if you like, you can add some ginger pieces or cardamom to make it spicy.
It is suggested to drink it hot and it acts as a great strengthening during the cold season.

Recipe with apple vinegar
- 1 drop of apple vinegar
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 pinch of Cayenne pepper
- 1 drop of olive oil
- 2 teaspoons of mustard (slightly spicy)
- ½ lemon
- aromatic fresh herbs like parsley, basil, etc.

Recipe with dried fruit
- 150 gr plain yogurt
- 30 gr müsli
- 20 gr dried apple rings
- honey
Pour yogurt and müsli in a bowl and mix well. Add some dried fruit, finely crumbled and honey. Let the mix rest for one night so that müsli flakes will get softer. In the morning add nuts and fresh seeds. A great breakfast rich in vitamins for a day full of energy!